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Vous pouvez voir les vidéos des danses en cliquant sur le titre ou l'astérisque situé à côté du titre.


Total pleasure *

Lay around *

A little love storm *

Take me home *

These old boots *

Smooth like the summer *

Santa Claus is coming *

Knockin' boots *

Ten Guitars *

Loud Love *

Girl of the summer *




Loveable hugable *

Codigo *

Thank you révision *

Some town somewhere rév. *

Every step in the book *

Gone girls *

Bonaparte's Retreat *

24 Reasons *

Gone West *

Keep it simple *

Everybody dance and sing *

Easy twist *

By and By *

Intermédiaire +

Cowboys don't cry *

Floor it *

Gone West *

Bad Fiddling *

My Mary *

Mother Trucker *

Half Past Tipsy *

Adalaida *

Legend *

Keep it simple *

After a few *

Summertime boys *


5678 Reasons *

Old friends in América *

Anyone else *

Favorite bands *

Novocaine kiss *

Soul Shake *

Gypsy Rosa Li *

Timbuktu *

Those were the nights *

Hardy *

Billie Jean *


  Novice-Inter lundi


Fine *

Anyone else (révision) *

Tender (révision) *

Perfect place *

Simple as can be *

Angelina *

Off the beaten track *

Sweet Caroline *

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